DMARC: Gartner’s Top 10 Security Projects for 2020–2021
On Sep 15, 2020 Gartner released a list of the top 10 security projects that security and risk leaders can deploy to mitigate risk in the current environment and drive business value.
The ones we are glad got highlighted as a top priority are DMARC and Automating Security Risk Assessments.
Here’s the list for
№1: Securing your remote workforce
№2: Risk-based vulnerability management
№3: Extended detection and response (XDR)
№4: Cloud security posture management
№5: Simplify cloud access controls
№7: Passwordless authentication
№8: Data classification and protection
№9: Workforce competencies assessment
№10: Automating security risk assessments
Last year in 2019, Gartner had laid out the following TOP 10 and we believe that companies have been delayed as a result of the pandemic, fighting to maintain just business-as-usual, to ensure that operations were running — since workforces went remote.